Play the sports you love

Find your ideal sports partner

Select your sports

Pick your favorite sport or just one you need a partner for.

Find nearby events

Find events and people to play your favorite sports with, all near you.

Create your own event

No events for your sport? Create one! Other users will be notified.

Have Some Fun!

Meet up with other users at the specified time and enjoy!


Why Duatlet?

All Sports

Unlike other sport partner apps, Duatlet features every sport you can think of. Whether you want to find an opponent for some tennis or a partner for Spikeball, Duatlet is the partner finding app for you.

Event Creation

Duatlet allows you to create any type of event you want. With limitless customization options, you specify a sport, and the rest is yours to choose:

  • Create a synchronized swim meet
  • Organize a group to go skiing or snowboarding
  • Find a weightlifting accountability partner


Skill Based Events

Unlike other similar apps, Duatlet allows you to specify a skill level when creating an event, and lets you rate the skill of the people you meet up with. This allows us to ensure you're competing at your edge, and everyone's having a good time.

Many Other Features Make Duatlet the Best Sports partner finder

  • Nearby Event Map

  • Calendar Syncing

  • In App Chatting

  • And Much More!